Women's Triumph Presented by Mission Houses Museum

Join us online to celebrate the contributions of women!

Starting June 19th Mission Houses Museum of Hawaii will be presenting it's annual Cemetary PuPu Theatre online for the world to see!! This year we celebrate the 100 anniversary of the 19th amendment! You can see me & 4 other fabulous #actresses give voice to women who helped Hawaii & America advance: “Women’s Triumph”

Get your virtual ticket by clicking here and pay what you can to support wonderful theatre that teaches Hawaiian History.

A few words on my portrayal of Betsey Stockton:

I will be portraying one of the most amazing women you do not hear about in history leassons. Betsey Stockton was a former black slave who opened four schools in the world for the children and adults who would have been more or less overlooked in our society at the time and in many cases still are.

Betsey Stockton

Betsey Stockton - 
Jeanné Wynne Herring

Emma Nāwahi - 
Pō'ai Lincoln

Ethel Baldwin - 
Terri Madden

Wihelmine Dowset - 
Karen Kaulana

Emma Nakuina - 
Kahana Ho

Go to www.missionhouses.org to learn more about Mission Houses Museum.


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